American Economic Review
ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)
Forthcoming Articles
The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of the journal after being typeset and copyedited.
Fragile New Economy: Intangible Capital, Corporate Savings Glut, and Financial Instability
Do Ordeals Work for Selection Markets? Evidence from Health Insurance Auto-Enrollment
Corruption as a Local Advantage: Evidence from the Indigenization of Nigerian Oil
Ownership Concentration and Strategic Supply Reduction
The Decline of Too Big to Fail
How Competitive is the Stock Market? Theory, Evidence from Portfolios, and Implications for the Rise of Passive Investing
Land Rental Markets: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Internationalizing Like China
Mortgage Pricing and Monetary Policy
Start-up Costs and Market Power: Lessons from the Renewable Energy Transition
The Benefits of Revealing Race: Evidence from Minority-owned Local Businesses
Political Social-Learning: Short-Term Memory and Cycles of Polarisation
Robust Monopoly Regulation
Hedging When Applying: Simultaneous Search with Correlation
The Good Wife? Reputation Dynamics and Financial Decision-Making inside the Household
Sticky Wages on the Layoff Margin
Empowering Adolescents to Transform Schools: Lessons from a Behavioral Targeting
Regulating Conglomerates: Evidence from an Energy Conservation Program in China
A Theory of Dynamic Inflation Targets