Professional Development Grant for URM Faculty


2024 Award Winner

Elaine Tontoh, Austin Peay State University

Previous Award Winners

2023 Amanda Awadey, Mount Holyoke College
2022 Amy Eremionkhale, Georgia State University
2021 Michelle Andrea Phillips, University of Florida

Pearson Education is proud to partner with the American Economic Association to advance the career and professional development of Underrepresented Minorities (URM) in the field of economics. As part of this partnership, Pearson Education will fund a $2,000 grant to the winner of an essay competition detailing their research and how it relates to economics education.

The award will be open to junior economics faculty members from URM groups such as persons who identify as American Indian, Alaskan Native, Black (not of Hispanic origin), Hispanic (including persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Central or South American origin) or Pacific Islander, and other groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the field of economics


The junior faculty member should submit a summary of their research work along with a copy of their CV, limited to 2 pages. The written summary should be 1,000 words or less. All applications will be sent to the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP).

The written summary should detail how their research relates to one of the principles topics listed below:

  • Introductory Concepts (scarcity, opportunity cost, comparative advantage, and economic models)
  • Supply Demand and Market Equilibrium (applications of supply/demand model)
  • Market Efficiency and Surplus; Market Failure and Public Goods
  • Factors of Production, Labor, Technology and Costs
  • Market Structure (pricing, advertising, and game theory)
  • Macroeconomic Variables and Policy Goals
  • Growth, Development, and Financial Markets (long run)
  • Monetary Policy (short-run fluctuations)
  • Fiscal Policy (short-run fluctuations)
  • International Economics (trade and finance)

Application Process and Deadlines

Applications meeting the criteria listed above should be submitted to with the subject line: "Professional Development Grant for URM." Applications are due by 5 pm ET on the second Friday in October.

CSMGEP will be fully responsible for reviewing all applications and selecting the winner. The winner will be announced at the ASSA meetings. In conjunction with AEA, Pearson will announce the grant recipient and their work through its website and social media.

The winning essay may be used to highlight the young economist in future Pearson textbooks and or online resources. After the award is announced, all participants are encouraged to contact Pearson about how their research can be used to produce more diverse and inclusive content, but such communications will have no impact on the grant award.


The winner will be notified in December. 


  1. After writing the summary are the winners obligated to do anything else for Pearson?
    • No, the award winner is not obligated to do anything more, but Pearson would like to use this opportunity to broaden its contributor network and build a more diverse talent pool. As such, grant applicants may be approached by Pearson to have their research highlighted in future digital product updates.
  2. Can the winner apply again the next year?
    • Yes, winners can apply again next year using different research.