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Research Highlights Article

Bargaining the future

October 7, 2019
Unions provide protections for teachers, but how do they affect students over the long run?
Research Highlights Article

Leave no neighborhood behind

October 2, 2019
Funding formulas for charter schools should be tied to the cost of educating students.
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Coping without benefits

September 30, 2019
What happens to household spending when unemployment insurance dries up?
Research Highlights Article

Pay the women

September 27, 2019
Why do many female entrepreneurs in developing countries have lower returns on capital than men?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Coming off the sugar high

September 25, 2019
What are the potential effects of a soda tax?
Research Highlights Article

Reshaping financial networks

September 23, 2019
Civil War-era legislation helped usher in a period of top-down banking panics. Are there lessons for today’s economies?