AEA in the news
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AEA in the news
Study: Legal Weed Could Raise $12 Billion a Year in Taxes
August 2, 2016
Gawker covered a new paper about the potential effects of marijuana legalization appearing in the American Economic Review
Recommendations for Further Reading
High-tech finance, antibiotic resistance, and urbanization in Africa
August 2, 2016
Reading recommendations from Timothy Taylor, managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives
Research Highlights Article
Can it be rational to overweight very unlikely events?
July 29, 2016
Why this behavioral bias might actually be a canny evolutionary strategy
AEA in the news
Fossil fuels have had an aeon's head start
July 27, 2016
Two articles about the economics of fossil fuels in the Journal of Economic Perspectives were featured on the Undercover Economist blog in the Financial Times
Research Highlights Article
Did the introduction of the printing press bolster social capital in Africa?
July 25, 2016
How missionaries’ attempts to spread the written gospel can have unexpected side benefits
Research Highlights Article
Do Chinese government inflation data hold up to scrutiny?
July 18, 2016
Engel curves reveal a more complicated story about inflation and growth than official statistics
AEA in the news
Do Minimum-Wage Hikes Mean Healthier Babies?
July 14, 2016
A piece in The Atlantic cited a 2012 piece from the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy about the connection between family income and infant health
2016 Conference on Auditing and Capital Markets
July 14, 2016
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers