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Research Highlights Article

No women in the room

April 3, 2017
Are male-dominated tenure committees holding women back in academia?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

The price of doing business

March 27, 2017
Why didn't inflation slow more during the financial crisis?
AEA in the news

Proposed law in Italy would give women "menstrual leave"

March 24, 2017
The Washington Post cited a 2009 paper published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics in an article about a proposed law in Italy to offer “menstrual leave” for working women.
Research Highlights Article

Stopping the death spiral

March 21, 2017
What policies can keep health insurance markets from going down the drain?
Research Highlights Article

Women's work?

March 15, 2017
Why do female employees take on thankless tasks that men don’t want to do?