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Research Highlights Article

Tomorrow's Prices

July 21, 2017
An interview with Alberto Cavallo on why consumers have such a hard time thinking about inflation
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Buyer beware

July 19, 2017
Do real estate agents push their clients toward properties with higher commissions?
AEA in the news

The Olympics is a losing investment

July 14, 2017
Bloomberg Businessweek cited a paper from the Journal of Economic Perspectives in a column about why cities no longer want to host the Olympics.
Research Highlights Article

An A+ experiment

July 12, 2017
How report cards transformed Pakistan's educational market
AEA in the news

An uphill climb for electric cars

July 12, 2017
The Wall Street Journal cites a JEP paper in a column about the likelihood of electric cars replacing gas-powered vehicles.