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Debts and Disasters

August 21, 2017
Why did household debt decrease after Hurricane Katrina?
AEA in the news

Eponymous Entrepreneurs

August 21, 2017
The Economist features a paper that appeared in the June issue of The American Economic Review.
Research Highlights Article

Mentoring at the margins

August 18, 2017
What can high schools do to boost a student's chances of enrolling in college?
Research Highlights Featured Chart

Preventing teen pregnancies

August 16, 2017
When Colorado expanded access to long-acting reversible contraceptives, what impact did it have on teen birth rates?
Research Highlights Article

An offer you can't refuse

August 14, 2017
Did the Mafia exchange votes for construction contracts?
AEA in the news

Reconsidering negative interest rates

August 14, 2017
The Telegraph featured a paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives in an article about how central banks should consider cutting interest rates below zero in preparing for the next recession.
Research Highlights Article

Biking to a better future

August 9, 2017
An interview with Karthik Muralidharan about closing the education gender gap in India
AEA in the news

Dealing with trade deficits

August 7, 2017
The Associated Press quotes JEP editor Timothy Taylor in a story about trade deficits.